9th ACEAIT @Fukuoka, 7 / 18 - 20, 2024

Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology

Advancements in Engineering and Information Technology: Shaping the Future of Innovation

Welcome to the Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology! We are excited to bring together visionaries, researchers, and professionals to delve into the compelling theme of "Advancements in Engineering and Information Technology: Shaping the Future of Innovation." This conference serves as a nexus for the exchange of ideas and insights that drive progress in both engineering and information technology. As we collectively explore the frontiers of innovation, our goal is to chart the course for a future where technological advancements seamlessly integrate into our evolving world.

Our chosen special session, "Advancements in Engineering and Information Technology: Shaping the Future of Innovation," serves as a guiding beacon for the discussions and discoveries that will unfold over the course of this event. We are thrilled to bring together visionaries, researchers, and professionals who play pivotal roles in steering the course of progress in these dynamic fields.

As we embark on this intellectual journey, our mission is clear—to foster an environment where the exchange of ideas flows seamlessly, sparking new insights and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. This conference is not just a meeting of minds; it is a nexus for the convergence of diverse perspectives, each contributing to the rich tapestry of technological evolution.

Throughout the conference, you can expect to delve into cutting-edge research, explore groundbreaking projects, and engage in stimulating discussions that transcend conventional boundaries. Our goal is not merely to adapt to change but to actively shape the future, where technological advancements seamlessly integrate into our evolving world.

For any questions and inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us by email : aceait@aceait.org

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Topics are listed but not limit to:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Engineering Applications
Cybersecurity: Safeguarding the Future of Information Technology
Smart Cities: Engineering Sustainable Urban Environments
Emerging Technologies in Robotics and Automation
Data Science and Analytics: Transforming Information into Insights
Renewable Energy Engineering for a Sustainable Future
Human-Computer Interaction: Enhancing User Experience
Biomedical Engineering Innovations: From Lab to Life
Internet of Things (IoT) Integration in Engineering Systems
Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology: Revolutionizing Engineering Practices

Socializing Event

We're thrilled to share that our socializing event takes us to the enchanting Moji Port Area and Kokura Castle, along with the iconic annual festival event, Kokura Gion Taiko and finally the cable car experience in Sarakurayama. Join us now! Click the picture below to get more information!

Fukuoka conference 2024 Socializing Event.jpg

Member Center
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Important Dates
Submission Deadline
May 10, 2024 Extended!
Notification of Acceptance
April 01, 2024
Early Bird Registration Deadline
April 30, 2024
Registration Deadline
May 15, 2024
Conference Dates
July 18-20, 2024
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